Straight from the heart

Straight from the heart...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A picture speaks a thousand words

Yes, a picture surely seems to speak a thousand words for those who wants to listen or if the eyes can interpret the picture in his or her own language. As the person for one, may interpret one thing while the other, another. But the beauty of a picture taken candidly or through professional lenses can be beautifully interpreted via a beautiful mind.. It goes the same for a thousand words written. They can speak one beautiful picture of a situation depending on the people interpreting them. The point? The point is that a picture or a thousand words written is just universal. The point is, they can be beautiful if you want them to be but one has to realise is that in every beauty that comes there is always a beast lurking around. A question comes to mind, a beautiful creature or a cute little beast?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lessons Learnt

Sometimes the lessons learnt are not from textbooks but more from your daily experiences with daily people you meet throughout your daily life. I learnt a lot from past experiences but most of the times the lessons learnt are not necessarily useful to my present or future life. Why is that? Maybe because I was misguided or learnt the wrong lessons. To regret what I have learnt is useless as at the time the lessons learnt were indeed useful but up to a certain point. As what i can see at the moment, the lessons i learnt last time seems not fit for the present situation. I need to learn new lessons from now on i guess. But I need new teachers but who? I guess I am learning slowly from various sources, and the lessons hopefully will benefited me for the time being. Will i be able to catch up? Seems there are lots of new lessons that could be learnt but I need to narrow it down i guess. Well, that's my lesson learnt for today.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wisdom Words.

Love reading some wisdom words from a particular personality whom I have a great admiration. He is maybe younger than me but is truly wise in experience it seems. A calm person who has chartered his way according his own path, if God’s willing. Truly, he is one of the prolific icons apart from another lady whose words also have helped me in thinking about life in depth. I am turning gray in age and supposed to be wise but I do feel like an idiot sometimes. I am still making emotional and irrational decisions that are not supposed to be made by a matured person. Maybe I need to learn to be more wiser? Seems to lack life experiencse but i guess everyone's experiences are different from the other so be grateful with the experiences you have. I guess being wise depends on the level of your different levels of your wisdom in handling your life experiences.

In The Eyes Of The Beholder

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It depends on how a person defines beauty. It could be physical and it could be spiritual. But physically beautiful doesn’t guarantee happiness some people say. But, in large, people with physical beauty do seem to get more privilege than those who don’t. Lucky them and they should have not complained. But for the average, life maybe is simple and simple as it should be. Dreaming to become like the beautiful people is actually unimaginable. I’m one of those people perhaps. But I realize that I’m just any ordinary Tom, Dick and Harry. I am grateful with who I am and the friends that I have right now. They are who they are. They are there when I need them. It’s just the people that sometimes you think are your friend are actually could be the opposite. I realize that the real friends are the friends that you are seldom with rather than your everyday friend. That’s the beauty of finally recognizing the truth about friendship. Those who know you from young sometimes reacted better in giving moral support. I’ll try to repay their kindness one of these days, if God’s willing.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

True Meaning of Life.

The true meaning of life is to be able to control one’s own life and not being controlled by other people. I want to be not free but a more controlled of my life. Been far away from what I have imagined but I seemed to have ruined my life so far. Not that I’m not being ungrateful but I lost control of what I want to do in being a human being. I need to really fully understand the reason of living in this world from now on. I might regret or maybe looked back at some of the wrong decisions that I took but I guess by taking one giant step I need to really take control of my life from now on.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after. Probably some might say it's just a nursery rhyme to soothe children. I don't. It is an accident and since when accidents are considered as something soothing? Weird.
The point is I don't take it as a joke when it comes to slandering others. I am a mere human and am not an angel. Need to remind myself again and again not to try to overstep anymore broken glasses.. What past is past. Don't let history repeats itself again....

Monday, November 7, 2011

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue.

Life is not as simple as the primer colours or even flowers. Life is not also also a bed of roses but is also full with their thorns. Life has its ups and downs. Life is a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're going to get. My life? Lots of colours when I was young but now I feel gray in colour. Am I becoming that old? Need to paint all the wonderful colours again and smell all those beautiful flowers. Need to feel that rollercoaster's-adrenalin-rush-ride again. Need to taste another box of chocs. Need to train myself slshing all the thorns and admire the beautiful roses again. Need to have a break and get a good life...Or maybe I just need a warm bath to get chill again.